
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can find the answers to the most frequently asked questions, as well as answers to questions that you may not have asked yourself.

  • What is a Trust company as a legal and regulated corporation?

    Trust company, corporation legally authorized to serve as executor or administrator of decedents’ estates, as guardian of the property of incompetents, and as trustee under deeds of trust, trust agreements, and wills, as well as to act in many circumstances as an agent. Trust companies may have commercial banking departments, and commercial banks may have trust departments. In some countries, trust companies and commercial banks, though separate institutions, are often affiliated. Because the United States pioneered in the development of incorporated trust institutions, legislation and practices of other countries often have been modeled upon American patterns. State laws in the United States generally prescribe minimum capital and surplus requirements for trust operations and require the segregation of trust assets from banking-department assets, the segregation of and separate accounting for the assets of each trust estate, and the specific allocation of managerial responsibility for trust operations. Trust companies serve as trustees for individuals, business corporations, nonprofit institutions, and governmental bodies. They distinguish between personal trusts and corporate trusts, often having separate departments for the two class es. In serving as trustee, the company usually takes legal title to property conveyed to it and manages it according to the instructions of the creator of the trust, the prescriptions of state law, or the directions of a court having jurisdiction, depending upon the circumstances by which the trust originates. When trust companies accept various managerial duties on an agency basis, they do not take title to property. Trust services for individuals tend to centre on the administration of estates. Other personal trust work of trust companies is concerned chiefly with living trusts and testamentary trusts. Any person during his lifetime may convey property in trust to a trust company with instructions as to the disposal of the income from the property and eventually of the property itself. Such living trusts are used especially by the wealthy who seek to reduce the burden of estate taxes. Testamentary trusts, which originate in wills, arise when a person stipulates that his estate is not to be distributed but is to be held in trust for a certain period of time. Their principal service to business corporations is to serve as trustees under corporate bond indentures. In this capacity, a trust company takes title to or a lien upon any property put up as security and verifies the performance of requirements imposed by the loan contract. This function is a matter of rather rigid verification and involves little discretionary action. A service involving more discretion on the part of the trust company is the management of corporate pension funds. Companies seeking higher returns on such funds than can be offered by group insurance plans may transfer these funds to a trust company for management. Trust companies may also serve as transfer agents (keeping records of a corporation’s stockholders or bond owners), as corporate stock registrars (responsible for the proper issuance of new stock certificates when additional stock is sold or outstanding stock is transferred), and as paying agents for the distribution of dividends.

  • Are the Trust companies worldwide regulated?

    The Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to Trusts and on their Recognition, or Hague Trust Convention is a multilateral treaty developed by the Hague Conference on Private International Law on the Law Applicable to Trusts. It concluded on 1 July 1985, entered into force 1 January 1992, and is as of September 2017 ratified by 14 countries. The Convention uses a harmonised definition of a trust, which is the subject of the convention, and sets Conflict rules for resolving problems in the choice of the applicable law. The key provisions of the Convention are: each party recognises the existence and validity of trusts. However, the Convention only relates to trusts with a written trust instrument. It would not apply trusts which arise (usually in common law jurisdictions) without a written trust instrument. the Convention sets out the characteristics of trusts under the convention (even jurisdictions with considerable legal history relating to trusts find this difficult) the Convention sets out clear rules for determining the governing law of trusts with a cross border element.

  • Do I have to pay taxes if I have created a trust?

    All Assets included in a trust must have been duly taxed declared by its owner. When it is transmitted to the Trust, the corresponding taxes must be paid. When the beneficiary of the Trust extracts Assets contained in the trust in his name, he must declare in his country for those assets that have been arranged in his name as beneficiary. Most of the taxes paid by the Trust will not have to be paid by the beneficiary when the property is transferred, as they are the same. Anyway, this is not a Tax Advice in any way, the tax rules may vary depending on the country of residence of the beneficiary and for this reason we strongly recommend that you consult with a tax expert and a lawyer in your country.

  • What tax benefits does a trust grant me?

    Most countries have tax stipulated based on the incoming annual equity volume. This means that the higher your equity increase per year, the higher the percentage of taxes in the annual tax return you will be required to pay. With a Trust, you can control annually how much increase you must declare, thus being able to mitigate taxes related to the volume of incoming equity.

  • Why is "Asset protection" mentioned?

    Assets deposited in a Trust are owned by the Trust, therefore if you or your company become insolvent or debtors for any circumstance, against third parties, the Assets deposited in the Trust cannot be claimed, not even by court order. As long as you do not create the Trust with the intention of hiding those Assets from a requirement or already known debt.

  • How To Get Start With Us?

    First you must access the "Register" section, there you must complete the form and submit it. Once completed and submitted, you can access your management account, which will be Active but not Verified, that means that it will not be functional yet. Through your account, you must upload the copy of the passport and the proof of residence dated less than 3 months. This will allow us to perform the previous KYC. After this, a member of our team will contact you to proceed with the AML / CFT and KYC procedure through our external partner and the notarization and apostille of the Deed of Trust. The entire process will be completed in a period of approximately 2 days.

  • Why Choose Our Services For Your Assets?

    Whether the Assets are Private or if they belong to a company, integrating them into a Trsut can benefit you in the Future. Our company has extensive experience in asset management and administration, thus guaranteeing you the best profitability for your assets.

Do You Still Have Any Questions?

We will do our best to answer you as soon as posible. Any way we would like to inform you that answers can take up to 48 hours. You can contact us by Phonne if you wish, also Whatsapp is available. Thank you very much.